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 Index to The Great Western Railway in WW1
This book ("The Great Western Railway in the First World War" by Sandra Gittins, published by History Press 2010) has no consolidated index, with the majority of the tabulated names divided into those receiving specific gallantry awards and a listing of all employees who died and the names on the Rolls of Honour at stations around the former GWR territory.

Unfortunately these lists are not in exact alphabetical order, and there are multiple entries for the same person in different lists; the entries have been consolidated here. All the names mentioned in the book have been put into this full listing, including individuals not employed by the Great Western Railway. Additional information may be given about most of the individuals listed.

Where possible to estimate a year of birth, this has been derived from an age at date of death. Where WW1 is shown in the "Year of event" or "Died" columns, no date has been given, but a reference to the individual appears in the GWR Magazine or on the Roll of Honour. Corrections have been made during the data entry to misspelt Departmental names and stations

Aditional information is available on the appropriate page(s) listed. For pages numbered 207 and above this may include date & how died and details of the memorial location. Entries with a date of death of WW1 have a reference to the GWR Roll of Honour or an isssue of the GWR Magazine. For those awarded medals there may be details of the reason for award. Copies of relevant pages of the book may be requested through the Society's Copy Service at the the usual rates. The Society does NOT hold a copy of the Roll of Honour or the GWR Magazine.

NOTE;- There is a Roll of Honour at the back of the book comprising pages 207 onwards, but these have not been numbered by the publisher although the list is in strict alphabetical order.

"The Great Western Railway in the First World War" by Sandra Gittins, published by History Press 2010 SoG Library Shelfmark PR/RAIL

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